There is boldness in asking, wisdom in listening, and peace in the answers. 

Debbie Nix

Relationship and Intimacy Coach

Creative Partnering

Tel: 575-937-0212


Do you feel like you have gone to sleep, lost your mojo, or are you just plain bored with life and living as you are currently experiencing it? Your relationship with yourself and/or your intimate partner isn’t broken, it just needs to be re-awakened.

If you are currently in a partnership, desire one, or are choosing to be happily in relationship with yourself, intimacy and sexual fulfillment are both essential parts of healthy, vibrant and ageless living. With the right tools, techniques, knowledge, and caring medical support, you can open a world of intimacy that may have once seemed unavailable to you.

Backed by modern science and coupled with cutting edge coaching that can heal, transform and awaken intimacy and sexuality, you CAN get your mojo back. You will make the connection and experience the freedom to express your deepest desires. You can be back with the living and thriving once again.

To be clear, this work is not just about sexuality. This work is about developing an intimate relationship with yourself. It is about “knowing” yourself and developing the vocabulary to ask for what you need and then taking the action needed to live your best life. 

I invite you to explore the possibilities and experience a caring partnership through coaching and integrative medicine. 

Are you ready? Discover which coaching program is right for you.

  • Midlife and the Great Unknown: Could this really be the best time of your life? Can intimacy be better than ever? How can you regain your energy, desire, and stamina to really enjoy life? How do you navigate midlife as a single? You may be surprised at the options available to you.

  • Recovering from a Traumatic Relationship: Take back control over your own life, work toward recovering from your trauma bond, and begin to really, truly love yourself again.

    “Why can’t I leave him or her?” is one of the most common questions we ask ourselves when in an abusive relationship. A trauma bond is very difficult to break but with the understanding of what it is, and just how we got here, supports us in walking away, and feeling good about the decision.

    In this program, I take you through the trauma bond recovery stages. You will spend time reflecting on your relationship, as well as your innermost feelings and learn to build confidence and move past your need to rescue! The key to your recovery is loving yourself so much that you no longer require validation from someone else. This is done through strong boundary building.

  • Choosing to be Happily Alone: If you have chosen to be happy alone, what does that mean for intimacy in your life?  Are there possibilities that you may not be aware of? How can you feel most alive at this stage of living? You have more options than ever before.

  • The Expanded, Optimistic Single : Life deals us some unexpected twists and turns. How you navigate them is a Personal Choice. If you feel that your mind and heart may not fully be on board with what you say you really want to experience, perhaps you have lost site of what your core values and desires are. Passion Driven Living is a choice available to you today once you laser in on what may be stopping your best efforts.

  • Intimacy Journey after Prostate Surgery: For couples or individuals who want to re-engage intimacy after prostate surgery. What to expect, what are your options, and how to gain the vocabulary to talk openly about your desires? And yes, there is amazing sexual intimacy available to you and your partner.

Call 575-937-0212 now to get started.

Initial Coaching Session

Introductory session to get a feel for the areas that you want to focus on.

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